Quik-LOK Product Specification
A flexible pipe to manhole connector shall be used whenever a pipe pentrates into a precast concrete manhole or structure. The connector shall be the Quik-LOK Connector as manufactured by A-LOK Products, Inc., Tullytown, PA or approved equal. The design of the connector shall provide a flexible, watertight seal between the pipe and concrete structure. The connector shall assure that a seal is made between: 1. The connector and the structure wall by casting the connector integrally with the structure wall during the manufacturing process in a manner that it will not pull out during pipe coupling. 2. The seal between the connector and the pipe shall be made by compressing the connector against the outside circumference of the pipe by means of a stainless steel take-down band. The connector shall be made from materials that conform to the physical and Section 4, "Materials and Manufacture" of ASTM C-923 "Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures and Laterals", and the overall design will meet or exceed Section 7, "Test Methods and Requirements" of ASTM C-923. This connector shall be sized specifically for the type of pipe being used and shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. |