Miscellaneous Supplies

Vertite Elastomeric Seals
•High Quality Rubber Extrusions for any Watertight Application
•Seals Designed for Round, Elliptical or Box Structures and Pipelines
•Custom Compounds Available Upon Request

Avanti Grout Repair Sealants
•Durable, Versatile and Flexible Foam or Gel
•Excellent for Use in Heavy or Light Flow Conditions as Well as Under Water
•Contains No Solvents
•Excellent Bonding Capabilities

Butyl-LOK Sealant Systems
•Butyl Sealants, Tapes, Wraps, Cartridges, Pumpable and Trowelable Grade
•Remains Flexible and Forms Permanent Bonds With Concrete, Metals and Plastics
•Excellent Resistance to Environmental Temperature Extremes and Acid or Alkaline Conditions

GrandSlam Lube
•Can be Safely Used in the Field. Suitable for Potable Water Systems. Meets NSF/ANSI Standard 61
•Clean and Neat to Use, Easy to Apply
•Lowers Coupling Pressure Making Installation Easier

BonDuit Concrete Adhesive
•Fast Acting, High Strength Adhesive
•Bonds to Polyethylene, PVC, Steel, Fiberglass and Concrete
•Withstands Movement and Vibration

The Rock
•Multi-faceted Dimensional Spacer
•The Engineered Solutions to Sticks and Stones
•Assists with Mortar Pipe Connections
•1.00"-2.50" in 0.25" Increments
•Creates Perfectly Measured Annular Space
•Economical, Lightweight, Practical

Foaming Hammer
•Heavy Duty Concrete Remover
•Foam on Equipment or Soak Tools in a Bath
•Green Product, Safe & Strong
•Non-Corrosive, Apply and Forget
•Apply and Forget
•Safer than Alternative Products